Knee Pain - Marin
We treat Knee Pain in Marin through a variety of targeted methods. Whether it’s a sports injury, muscular imbalance, or torn ligament causing your pain, our team will help to diagnose the issue and get you on the road to recovery.
Causes of Knee Pain | Mill Valley
For all the problems that people have with their knees, it is a relatively stable joint. Pain in this area arises for a number of different reasons: plant and twist injuries, direct impact (sports and motor vehicle injuries), osteoarthritis, and muscular tightness. Many large muscles attach at and around the knees. Therefore, tendinitis is a very common cause of knee pain. This is especially true in San Francisco with all of the walking we do on hilly terrain.
The location of pain is often very meaningful. For instance, a tight IT band can cause pain on the lateral side of the knee. Tight Quads often cause pain above or inferior to the patella. Pain deep below the patella may be due to arthritis or a tracking issue. A muscular imbalance between the Quadriceps and Hamstrings is another very common cause of anterior knee pain, often associated with heavy body weight workout routines (think boot camps or cross-fit).
Treating Knee Pain | Marin
The diagnosis of your pain will determine its treatment protocol. Weak muscles need to be strengthened, while tight muscles need to be loosed through a variety of means. If your joints are already hypermobile, stretching is probably not for you. You will likely need to make friends with a foam roller or some sort of massage stick.
Patella tracking issues and many types of anterior knee pain respond well to muscle balancing, kinesio taping and muscle scraping to address scar tissue. Torn ligaments, on the other hand, may require strengthening or sometimes surgery.
We will do our best to make you aware of what other treatment methods are applicable in your case. Ultimately the decision is yours, but he wants you to make the most informed decision possible.|